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Definitions & FAQ


Haven't heard of some of the language you're reading on this site? No stress. Here's some more information to make sure we're on the same page.


Neurodiversity is a term that refers to the natural variation in our brains and nervous systems. Just like we all have a unique fingerprint, we all have a unique brain with its own strengths and ways of seeing and interacting with the world. There is no 'better' type of brain - some just have more things in common than others.


Neurotypical refers to a person who's brain and nervous system operate in a similar way to the majority of the population. It's still true that no brains are exactly the same, but neurotypical people have common ways of interpreting and responding to sensory information, and interacting with the world. Neurotypical people generally face less barriers related to their neurology than neurodivergent people, because the world has been created to meet the needs of the majority.


Neurodivergent refers to a person who's brain and nervous system operate in a different way to the majority of the population. Historically, neurodivergent people have been patholagised and given diagnoses such as Autism and ADHD, and been recommended treatment that makes them behave more like neurotypical people. This approach is hugely problematic as it can cause significant harm to neurodivergent people, and fails to acknowledge their unique strengths, perspectives and ways of relating to the world.


LGBTIAQ+ is an acronym standing for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender, Intersex, Asexual and Queer or Questioning. For more information about what these terms mean, have a look at this great resource by Minus18


Gender Diverse refers to a person who's gender is not accurately described by the limiting understanding of gender as purely Male or Female and intrinsically linked to their sex assigned at birth (tip: sex and gender are really different things. Google is)


Non-binary is a gender identity that falls outside the view that gender can only be wholly male or wholly female. Examples of non-binary gender identities include gender fluid, agender, genderqueer or non-binary as an identity in itself. 



How much do your services cost?

Have a look at the Counselling page for counselling fees. Contact me below for a tailored quote for all other services


What are your qualifications?

Bachelor of Social Work / Human Services (2010, LaTrobe University)

Graduate Diploma in Counselling (2011, LaTrobe University)

Diploma of Leadership and Management (2018, Open Colleges Australia)

Professional Certificate in Positive Education (University of Melbourne, 2019)


Where are you located?

I work from Lilydale, Victoria. I can work remotely via online counselling / facilitation, and travel where required. 



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